Archive pour la catégorie ‘Notes de lecture BD’
Book review: « Tonoharu, Vol.2» by Lars Martinson
And here comes “Tonoharu”, the return!
The second volume of Martinson’s look at an American English teacher adjusting to life in rural Japan, inspired by the author’s own stay in Japan as a teenager. As the months go by, Dan Wells settles into his life as an assistant junior high school teacher in the rural Japanese village of Tonoharu. According to Lars Martinson: »The first book focuses on the sense of loneliness and isolation that occurs after the “honeymoon period” of cultural acclimation ends. The second book deals with the relationships that develop, both with members of the native population and with other expats. » (Justin Tedaldi: “Interview with ‘Tonoharu’ cartoonist Lars Martinson”).
Read the rest here: “Tonoharu, Vol. 2“