Ah Paris ! Du bal colonial aux multiples festivals, il suffit de regarder autour de soi pour s’émerveiller.
Ah Paris! From the colonial soirée to the numerous festivals, all you got to do is keep your eyes open.

Bal Anticolonial, Nathalie Schon, 2010

Festival du Cinéma de Paris, Nathalie Schon, 2010
I like your site very much. It’s bright and colorful and welcoming, and your photos are wonderful, so full of color and life. I’ve been to Paris 5 times since 2004. My son lived in Paris and I visited him. It’s been 1-1/2 yrs. since my last trip. Much too long for me. Maybe you could visit me here in Oregon and I could visit you in Paris.
I have to go occasionally, if only to pick up my favorite cooking herb, Persaillotte. It’s available in any Monoprix, but we don’t have them here.
I don’t think this photo does me justice.
Never heard of persaillotte. Oh wait, I found it:
« “Persaillotte: Per sa ‘yote: it’s French. It’s a herbal mixture very common in France, but completely unknown here. My friend Christina brings me back a bottle on her annual pilgrimage to Provence each year.” » (http://michaelweishan.com/gardenblog/?p=2065)
Provence? Yeah they are a bit weird down there
ok, ok, now I have to check it out. Another thing better known abroad, then here?
Hey, I found it:
« Persaillote: Composée d’ail, de persil, d’échalote et de sel, cette persaillote est indispensable à la préparation de tout beurre aillé. »
Sounds good. I love to make flavored butter.
For lobster, you can add lemon juice, salt if the butter isn’t already salty, garlic, some green stuff available (not too strong in taste, no parsley)
Sometimes I add some chipotle spices.
For chicken, you can add lots of sage, garlic, anchovi (not too much)
Put it under the skin before the bird goes into the oven (stuffing: minced pork + dried fruit + lots of sage). Mmmmmh!
Oregon is nice! I’ve been there a week last year. Sure, if we are in Paris at the same time (I’m moving around like a frog), you can visit.